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Posted by : eXisTenCeSS Sunday 26 February 2012

Travelling to Lombok Senaru area do not forget to visit Niagara Falls Spring Gila and Tiu Kelep. The second waterfall offers beauty and shade for any visitors, but not the second waterfall which will be discussed this time but a "vehicle" that will be encountered if we will run from spring waterfall waterfall crazy to tiu valve which is located just inside into the forest. Vehicle in question is an old water bridge and a tunnel in charge of distributing water from the valve to pedesaan.Lalu tiu what can be done with "vehicle", the answer is to play Waterboom. If the discharge water is hard enough, we can glide in the water bridge, how? walk to the other side of the mouth of the tunnel and just lay back until the whole body goes down and just float with the exception of the head to keep breathing (if the entity does not discharge water to float a sign of being less).

Furthermore airmembawa let our bodies of water across the bridge, and stop before entering the water tunnel. Do not get carried away continue into the tunnel, rather than nothing, but there are a few dark transverse wire located at the bottom of waterways that can harm us if we keep going in it. For sure after playing waterboom satisfied with zonder pouring chlorine, we can walk into the tunnel, the darkness and enjoy the adrenalin rush with some light holes will be found in the tunnel adds a dramatic journey to eventually come out near the exit.

The second "play vehicle" is a snack "delicious and nutritious" while we enjoy a visit to the waterfalls and crazy and tiu valve spring.

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