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Posted by : eXisTenCeSS Friday 24 February 2012

Many interesting things to talk about life on the island of Lombok, in particular on the history of the origins of society, the kingdom that ever existed, belief and religion, to the attractions on offer. So on this occasion I tried to lift a theme of some of the things that exist on the island of Lombok. Here's the explanation:A. PreliminaryLombok (population in 1990: 2,403,025) is an island in the Lesser Sunda Islands or Nusa Tenggara are separated by the Strait of Lombok from Bali to the west and the Alas Strait to the east of Sumbawa. The island is roughly circular in shape with a sort of "tail" on the southwest side whose length is approximately 70 km. This island is the extent of 4725 km ² (slightly smaller than Bali). The main town on the island is Mataram.Lombok Strait marks the entrance of the biogeographic separation between the fauna in the region Indomalay and fauna are very clear differences in Australasia known as Wallace's line, named after its discoverer Alfred Russel Wallace.Mapping of the island of Lombok is dominated by the stratovolcano Mount Rinjani, which reaches a height 3.726m (12 224 feet), which makes Mount Rinjani became the third highest mountain in Indonesia. In the valley of Mount Rinjani, you will find lush green forests, paddy fields and beautiful waterfalls.The most developed centers in the west is Senggigi, spread 30 kilometers along the coast road just north of Mataram, while the divers are usually gathered together in Gili, who was on the west coast.The southern part of the island of Lombok is a fertile land where corn, coffee, tobacco and cotton growing. One of the most popular destinations is Kuta, famous for its untouched beaches and some people consider this beach is one of the best surfing spots in the world.The total area of ​​4.752km2 (1825 sq mi) are 2,950,105 people (2005), 85% were Sasak tribe, which was originally expected to move from Java in the early centuries before Christ. Since the population studied Islam Sasak tribe, the scenery on the island of Lombok from many filled with mosques and minarets, and the traditional village of Sasak tribe, you can discover the rural life with its unique culture. Other residents include 10-15% Balinese, with the rest are Chinese, Arabic, Java and Sumbawa.2. The beginning of historyPre-history era Lombok land is unclear because until now there is no data from the experts and evidence to support the pre-history of this land of Lombok.Sasak tribe including in the type of Malay race who is said to have lived in Lombok over 2,000 years ago and is thought to have occupied the coastal areas since 4,000 years ago. Thus the inter-island trade had been active since the era and with it the interplay between cultures has also been spread.Mirah Sasak Lombok Adi is one of our Negarakertagama quote, a book which contains about Majapahit empire of power and governance. The word "Lombok" in kawi means a straight or honest, the words "ruby" means jewel, the word "sasak" means the fact, and the word 'adi' means a good or a major. Then the whole meaning of honesty is the jewel of the fact that either or principal. Maybe that's the philosophy of meaning that has always dreamed of ancestral inhabitants of the land in Lombok is created as a form of local wisdom that must be maintained and dilestariakan by his descendants (children Sasak). In the book - the book of old, found the name of so-called Lombok Lombok and Lombok adi ruby. Some also mentioned the ejection Lombok Lombok with Selaparang or selapawis gumi.The origins of the population of the island of Lombok are in some versions, one that says "sasak" in etimilogis according to Dr. Goris. s. derived from the word "legitimate" means to go and "shaka" which means ancestors. Means going to the land of ancestors Sasak (Lombok). From this etymological ancestor is assumed Sasak people are Javanese. It was determined from the writings of the Sasak people of Lombok called Jejawan, namely that more Javanese literature diresepsi by the Sasak.Sasak traditional ethnic majority are inhabitants of the island of Lombok, Sasak tribe is the main ethnic groups covering almost 95% of the population entirely. Other evidence also suggested that the inscription on the barrel - the barrel is found in Pujungan, Balinese, Sasak tribe had inhabited the island of Lombok since IX to XI century AD, the Sasak word in the inscription refers to places such as ethnic or customs of the Balinese people to date are called the island of Lombok with sasak gumi, which means the soil, earth or island where bermukimnya Sasak people.Lombok history can not be separated from the control and the alternation of wars in which both internal conflict, the battle between the kingdom in Lombok as well as external ie outside the control of the kingdom in Lombok island. The development era of Hindu, Buddhist, raises several Hindu kingdoms such as Selaparang, and Bayan. The kingdoms of the journey in the submission by the ruler of the Majapahit empire of Gajah Mada expedition when the century XIII - XIV and the royal mastery Gel - Gel from Bali in the sixth century.Between Java, Bali and Lombok have some cultural similarities such as language and writing. If the trace of origin - as they suggested many Javanese Hindu roots. It did not escape the influence of the Majapahit empire mastery likely to send their family members to order or build the kingdom in Lombok. Bali is a very strong influence in the culture of Lombok it can not be separated from the expansion carried out by the Balinese kingdom around the year 1740 in the western part of the island of Lombok in a long time. So much going acculturation between the local culture with the culture of immigrants. This can be seen from terjelmanya genre - genre mix in the arts. Many traditional performing art genre originated or taken from the traditions of the ethnic performing arts. Sasak and Balinese take and borrow each other, so creating a new genre of art that attract and complement each other.Gumi Sasak experienced successive transfer of power to the Islamic era that gave birth to the Islamic empire and Pejanggik Selaparang. There are several versions of the entry of Islam to Lombok during the sixteenth century AD. The first comes from the Javanese Islam in a way in through the east of Lombok. The second Islamization from Makassar and Sumbawa. When the doctrine was accepted by the nobility teachings quickly spread to the kingdoms in east Lombok and Lombok middle.Sasak ethnic majority are Muslims, but in fact the influence of Islam as well acculturated to the local belief, forming the flow as wektu telu, if analogous to abangan in Java. At this time the existence of wektu telu is less a place because it is not in accordance with Islamic Shari'a. Islamic influence is strong shift of power in the Hindu island of Lombok, up to now can be seen it was only in the west of the island of Lombok alone, especially in the city of Mataram.Alternation of tenure on the island of Lombok and the inclusion of other cultural influences impact on the rich and varied repertoire of Sasak culture. As a form of meeting (diffusion, acculturation, inculturation) culture. As in the case of art, a form of art in Lombok is very diverse. Original art and each other entrants melengakapi so as to create new genres. Most noticeably influence acculturated to the local art bali art and influence of Islamic culture. Both bring a major contribution to the development of art-art that is in Lombok to the present. Implementation of the meeting of cultures in the arts, namely, that the influence of Bali; Arts plash, quarts gerantang, jangger Dance, Gamelan Thokol, and that is the art of Islamic pengaru Rudad, Cilokaq, Wayang Sasak, Gamelan Tambourine.3. Study of the kingdoms in LombokAmong the sources of history that can be used to explain the origin of Lombok is Lombok Chronicle. According to the Chronicle of Lombok, the island of Lombok's oldest kingdom called the Kingdom of Laeq. However, other sources, namely Suwung Chronicle states that, the oldest kingdom in Lombok is built and Suwung kingdom ruled by King Betara sense. After this Suwung Empire receded, emerging Kingdom of Lombok. Which is true, or Suwung Laeq? Everything is still under debate.Briefly, the order of the founding of the kingdoms in this area can be traced as follows, with a note that this is not the only version that develops. At first, the kingdom is Laeq standing. It is estimated, were located at Sambalia district, East Lombok. During its development, and migration, community Laeq move and build a new empire, the empire Pamatan, in Aikmel, Sembalun village now. This rural location adjacent to the Mount Rinjani. At one point, Mount Rinjani erupted, destroying villages and kingdoms around him. The spread of the population fled to safer areas. The transfer marks the end of empire Pamatan.After Pamatan stopped there Suwung empire founded by Batara sense. Location of the kingdom is located in the area Perigi today. After the royal Suwung ends, then later came the kingdom of Lombok. Over the course of history, the kingdom of Lombok and then suffered the devastation of Majapahit army attack in 1357 AD Raden Maspahit, Lombok monarch fled into the woods. When the soldiers returned to the Javanese Majapahit, Raden Maspahit out of the woods and set up a new empire under the name Stone Parang. During its development, the kingdom was then known as Selaparang.In connection with Selaparang, this kingdom is divided into two periods: first, the Hindu period lasted from the 13th century AD, and ended by the expedition of Majapahit kingdom in the year 1357 AD, and second, the Islamic period, lasted from the 16th century AD, and ended in the 18th century (1740 AD), after the kingdom was conquered by the joint forces of Karang Asem, and Banjar Bali Getas.Before the 16 st Century Majapahit Lombok is in power, the Supreme Patih Gajah Mada sent to Lombok. In the late 16th century until the early 17th century, heavily influenced by Java, Lombok Islam through propaganda conducted by Sunan Giri, also influenced by the Makassar. This causes a change of religion in the Sasak tribe, formerly Hindus to Islam.At the beginning of the 18th century AD, the empire conquered Lombok Bali Gel Gel. Heritage of Bali are very easy to see is the number of communities that inhabit the Hindu Bali and Lombok Mataram West. Some of the major temples are also easily found in both these areas. Lombok managed to free from the influence of Gel Gel after the expulsion of the royal Selapang (East Lombok) with the assistance of the kingdom is in Sumbawa (Makassar influence). Some soldiers reportedly Sumbawa many eventually settled in East Lombok, as evidenced by the presence of several villages in East Lombok Northeast Bank is the majority of the population speak the language of Samawa.The above description can at least show that, the kingdoms are really there, once stood, developed later collapsed. How information, such as social and cultural life of ordinary people and the royal family at that time? Historical data reveals that there are not many facts.According Djelenga Then, a more meaningful historical record of the kingdoms in Lombok expedition started from the influx of Majapahit in 1343 AD, under the leadership of Nala MPU. Nala MPU expedition was sent by Gajah Mada as part of its attempt to unite the whole archipelago under the banner of Majapahit. In the year 1352 AD, Gajah Mada come to Lombok to see for themselves the development of the conquests.According Djelenga, expedition is leaving a trail of Majapahit kingdom in Bali Gel gel. While in Lombok, standing four major interrelated royal brothers, namely: Bayan kingdom in the west, East Selaparang kingdom, the kingdom Langko in the middle, and Pejanggik kingdom in the south. In addition to the four kingdoms, there are several small kingdoms, like Parwa and chock Samarkaton well as several small villages, such as Pujut, Tempit, Kedaro, Stone Jerky, Kuripan, and Kentawang. And villages throughout the kingdom was subdued under the Majapahit. When Majapahit collapsed, kingdoms and villages it became an independent territory.Between the kingdom and in the villages, the most prominent and best known is the kingdom, based in Labuan Lombok Lombok. Royal center is located in the strategic Gulf of Lombok, is very beautiful with lots of fresh water sources. Strategic position and the number of water sources caused it is frequented by merchants from various countries, such as Palembang, Banten, Gresik, and Sulawesi. Thanks to a lively trade, then the kingdom of Lombok is growing rapidly.The arrival of the Dutch invadersThe Netherlands has come up and managed to subdue many kingdoms in the archipelago. Character of Dutch imperialism which wanted to control all the trade routes of the archipelago has caused outrage in Sulawesi kingdom of Gowa. Trade routes in the north was ruled by the Dutch. To prevent the collapse of the path south, then south Gowa took the initiative to close the path to mastering the island of Sumbawa and Selaparang. The arrival of European colonists also brought Christianizing mission, therefore, Gowa and then conquered the West Flores and establish the Kingdom of the Manggarai to prevent proselytizing.Gowa Gelgel expansion raises concerns. To prevent Gelgel not used the Dutch, the Gowa then entered into an agreement with Gelgel in 1624 AD, called Sagining Agreement. Stipulated in the agreement, Gelgel not be entered into cooperation agreements with the Netherlands, while Gowa will release his control over Selaparang. This agreement did not last long, because each party is violating the agreement.To compensate for Gelgel in cooperation with the Dutch, then Gowa in cooperation with the Mataram in Java. Furthermore, in an effort to compete for hegemony, war finally broke out between the Gowa and the Netherlands in Lombok. In the war, defeated Gowa, until forced to sign a treaty with the Netherlands in Bungaya. Bungaya is a place located near the center of the Kingdom of Gelgel in Klungkung, Bali, and is a symbol of the close relationship between Gelgel the Netherlands.The consequence was the defeat of the Netherlands Gowa, Gowa must surrender all his territory in Lombok, Sumbawa and Bima. Utilizing the vacancy Gowa, Gelgel Selaparang again tried to conquer, but always failed.Although it has managed to beat Gelgel Selaparang, however, the kingdom is not completely safe from external threats. In the process, then stood up two new empire in 1622 AD, the Kingdom of Pagutan and Pagesangan. In anticipation of the threat, then Selaparang put a small army of soldiers to guard the border under the command of Patinglaga Deneq Wirabangsa.Apparently, the destruction Selaparang not attack these two kingdoms, but the attack army expedition in 1672 the Kingdom of Karang Asem M. Empire Center Selaparang flattened, while the royal family are all killed. Since then, the Kingdom of Karang Asem became sole ruler in Lombok.4. Social and Cultural lifeIn the King Rangkesari, Lombok (Selaparang) reached its heyday. At that time, cultural life flourished. The wise men from well-controlled Selaparang Kawi language, a language developed in the archipelago at the time. Thanks to advances in the literary world, finally, scholars Selaparang succeeded in creating a new script, the script called Jejawen Sasak.With sufficient knowledge Kawi language, and literacy Sasak Sasak, Selaparang many writers write, compose, adapt, or copying of ancient Javanese literature into lontar Sasak. Among these are lontar Kotamgama, Lapel Adam, Menak Berji and Rengganis. In addition, the poets are also a lot of copying and adapting Sufi teachings of the Walisongo. Copies and adaptations are apparent in lontar entitled Jatiswara, Lontar Nursada and Lontar Nurcahya. Even the tale-tale Malays were much copied and adapted, as Lontar Yusuf, Amir Hamzah and Tale Tale Sidik Orphan.More in-depth study of lontar will be able to uncover the social, cultural and political community at the time of Lombok. In political science, for example, Lontar Kotamgama outlines the nature and attitude of a leader, ie, Danta, Danti, Kusuma, and Warsa. Danta means elephant ivory, that is, if issued, may not be included again; Danti mean saliva, that is, when it is thrown to the ground, it may not lick anymore; Kusuma means flowers, that is, the same flower may not bloom twice; Warsa means rain , that is, when it has fallen to earth, not likely climb back into the clouds. That is why, a king or leader should be careful in every action, so do not make many mistakes.Thus, the Kingdom Selaparang appear, grow and then collapse. However, these remnants of the civilization that left written shows that, in the cultural life of this country is quite vibrant and growing.5. Interest in Lombok (Sasak tribe)If the note is physically, Sasak tribe is more like the Balinese than in Sumbawa. From this aspect can be derived from the Sasak people of Bali. Now living in Bali looking for people coming from?Here is a collection of historical photographs of the Royal Tropical Institute Museum Tropen around 18-19 century, describing the social life of the people of Lombok in the Dutch colonial era:Photo 1: King of LombokPhoto 2: King MantangPhoto 3: Interest in Lombok 1Photo 4: Interest in Lombok 2Photo 5: Interest in Lombok 3Photo 6: Public Sakre hamlet in 1897Photo 7: Community CakranegaraPhoto 8: Drum Dance BeleqPhoto 9: Mistress of the Company in the market AmpenanAuthentic evidence of Sasak tribeA few weeks ago, there is a send to me an authentic proof of the origin of the Sasak tribe who saved his family in Central Lombok. Evidence in the form of a family tree that led to a name: Prince Datu Djajing Heaven (from Majapahit, Kabangan, East Java). From the evidence is authentic, it is clear seen that the Sasak tribe which inhabited the island of Lombok, actually comes from Java.LanguageSasak language, especially the script (written language) is very close to the script of Java and Bali, as well as using the script Ka Ra Ha Na Ca ... etc.. But the pronunciation is quite close to Bali.According to the Ethnologue that collects all the languages ​​in the world, the Sasak language family (Languages ​​Family) of Austronesian Malayo-Polynesian (MP), MP Nuclear, Sunda-Sulawesi and Bali-Sasak. Meanwhile, if we look at it directly, Sasak language developed in Lombok was very diverse, both dialect (pronunciation) and vocabulary. It's very unique and can show many influences in its development. When the East Lombok regency government wanted to make a dictionary Sasak, they are overwhelmed by the variety of Sasak language in East Lombok, although in general can be classified into: Kuto-Kute (Northern Lombok), Ngeto-Ngete (Southeast Section Lombok), Meno -Mene (Central Lombok), Ngeno-Ngene (Central Lombok), Mriak-Mriku (Southern Lombok). From the aspect of language, Papuk Bloq, could be derived from the Javanese (Malayo-Polynesian), Vitname or Philipine (Austronesian), or from Sulawesi (Sunda-Sulawesi). Tribal Council may soon menerbitakan Sasak Sasak history books and complete dictionary Sasak.6. Spiritual life in LombokThe influence of Hinduism - BuddhaBalinese Hinduism, brought by the followers, immigrants from the island since the 17th century AD permualaan. Hindu-Balinese are Hindu-Buddhist teachings syncretizing, which is also called Shiva-Buddha. According to Sartono Kartodirjo (1975).Photo 10: Pura Kelepuk Milu, LombokBefore immigrants come from Bali, the beautiful and fertile island, named Gumi Selaparang and inhabited by the Sasak people. Until the 17th century, there are two kingdoms Sasak Pejanggik the kingdom as a kingdom in Central Lombok inland and coastal kingdoms Selaparang as the royal capital in Heaven, Labuan Lombok in East Lombok.Entering the 17th century (1600s), in waves of immigrants from Karang Asem Bali, came to the island of Lombok to open agricultural land and established settlements. The new residents came, apart from being harassed by the royal kingdom kerajaanya neighbors in Bali, as well as the less favorable tofografinya for agriculture, with land area of ​​the hills. These settlements were known as Sengkongok (at the foot of Mount Pengsong), Pagutan, Pagesangan, and Mataram (Mataram in the municipality) and Tanaq Embet (at Senggigi).Influence of IslamAt the beginning of the introduction of Islam to the island of Lombok, many people who adhered to Animism, but the arrival of one priest from Java, Sunan Prapen the few places that a base can still be found up to now.In terms of the spread of Islam, first determine the role of Sufis in addition to the merchants who came from Gujarat, India. Sufis came from Java that much to bring the influence of the Wali Songo. Then followed the teachings of the sheikh Yusu Makassar institutes, etc.. From the source of the teachings of Shaykh Yusuf, have received direct at the time he was in Florida or from the followers of followers in the archipelago. While from the other sheikh received directly in Makkah at the time of the master teachers of Lombok, perform the pilgrimage and lived there several years to deepen their knowledge.Sufis who spread Islam is derived from the influence of Wali Songo leave groups of people who came to be called Wektu Barbadensis (three times) to distinguish it from others, which have undergone a process of Islamization, Islam Lima Time.When the King of Lombok Mumbul King died, he was succeeded by King Rangkesari. In the reign of this Rangkesari, son of Sunan Giri Queen named Prince Prapen come to Lombok for the Kingdom of Islamization. Based on the Chronicle Lombok, Islamization is an attempt Raden Paku (Sunan Giri Queen) of Gresik to spread Islam to the different areas of the archipelago.Prince Prapen do Islamization in Lombok by force of arms. After the people of Lombok to Islam, he later went on Islamization efforts to Bima and Sumbawa. After the death of Prince Prapen, Lombok society back to the origin of religion, paganism. This is due to Lombok many women who have not embraced Islam, so it was able to persuade his family to return to the origin of religion.Having managed to get a victory in Sumbawa and Bima, Prince Prapen back to Lombok. With the help and Raden Raden Sumuliya Salut, Prince Prapen then compile a new missionary movement to Islamize Lombok and managed to achieve success. The entire island of Lombok successfully Islamicised, except in some places. People who refuse to convert to Islam and then retreated to the mountains, or be conquered.Apart from Islamization, other major events that occurred in the reign of King Rangkesari is the transfer of the capital of the kingdom, from Labuan to the village Selaparang. This is an initiative of the transfer of the capital Banda Patih Patih Lion of Judah, and Judah, on the grounds, lies the village of Selaparang more secure than strategic and Labuan. With the transfer of the Kingdom of Lombok to Selaparang, then, then the kingdom is also known as the Kingdom of Selaparang.In the previous description stated that the kingdom was divided Selaparang two periods: (1) and the Hindu period, (2) the period of Islam. Apparently, the meaning of the second period the Kingdom Selaparang (Islamic period) is the capital of the Kingdom of Lombok who move into Selaparang, so-called Kingdom of Selaparang.Lombok or Selaparang kingdom is constantly evolving, so the kingdom Gelgel in Bali is feeling the competition. Therefore, Gelgel who feel as heir to the greatness of Majapahit then attacked Lombok (Selaparang) in 1520 AD However, this attack was foiled by Selaparang. During its development, the Kingdom itself Gelgel then also suffered a setback.7. Tourism on the island of LombokIf we look at from the aspect of history, can be derived Sasak people of Java, Bali, Makassar and Sumbawa. But it could also into four ethnic groups were not Papuk Bloq sasak people, but only a great influence on the development of Sasak tribe.Lombok island has an area of ​​473 780 hectares is not only store a wealth of natural attractions alone. Talk Lombok Island of the mind wander to a stretch of Senggigi beach exotic, beautiful, and charming. White sandy beach with small waves is not be missed. No wonder that many tourists and foreign tourists menyinggahinya archipelago.Lombok is in many ways similar to Bali, and in the decade of the 1990s began to be known by foreign tourists. But with the advent of financial crisis and other crises, the potential of tourism rather not fail. Then in early 2000 there were riots between ethnic and inter-faith throughout Lombok, causing a massive displacement of minorities. They fled to the island of Bali in particular.Here are some attractions in Lombok who unfortunately missed. Among them:1) Naturea) Mataram and CakranegaraMataram is the capital city of West Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia. Mataram city consists of 6 (Six) District namely District Ampenan, Cakranegara, Mataram, Pejanggik, Selaparang, Sekarbela, with 50 villages and 297 Environment. Mataram city is located at 08 ° 33 '- 08 ° 38' south latitude and 116 ° 04 '- 116 ° 10' east longitude. In addition to the provincial capital, Mataram has also been a center of government, education, commerce, industry and services and is currently being developed to be a tourist town.The presence of various supporting facilities such as transportation facilities such as the International Airport as an entry Selaparang Lombok by air, shopping centers and transportation routes that connect between districts and provinces this is the major consideration in the development of a tourism city Mataram. Mataram was part of West Lombok regency before the creation of the region. Now, the capital of West Lombok regency was transferred to win Gerung Giri.b) NarmadaNarmada park, 11 kilometers east of the city of Mataram, was built in 1727 by King Anak Agung Ngurah Gede Karang Asem beautiful gardens as well as a place to worship Shiva. A large pond called Segara miniature puppies, crater lake of Rinjani volcano where they usually perform worship by throwing valuables into the water. In line with people who are too old to reach the 3.726 meter high mountain, they make the Narmada to represent the mountains and lake. Near the pond there is a place for worship and bias springs believed to make the young.c) Pura LingsarThis temple is probably the only place of worship in the world where Hindus and Muslims come to worship. Approximately 7 kilometers west of Narmada, the temple was built in 1714 and rebuilt in 1878 to symbolize harmony and unity among people of Hindu Balinese and Sasak Muslims in the area, particularly those who obey the rules of Islamic schools Wetu Telu unique. Balinese temple was built on land plateau, behind the Muslim settlements. In soils is rather low in our spring and temple is the venue for the diamond war.d) Pura Gunung Agung SariThis huge temple is located on the hills in the Gunung Sari, about four kilometers from Mataram, is witness to history Puputan war that occurred in 22 November 1894 between the last heir of the leaders of Bali, Anak Agung Nengah and his followers with the Dutch troops under the command Gen. Van der Vetter.e) SukarareThis is the craft of weaving village located in the south Cakranegara. Lombok is famous for its beautiful handicrafts songketnya cloth. Residents of this village has inherited this craft is passed down generation to generation.f) Sengkol, pujut and RambitanTime does not seem to rotate in three villages located in the south of Lombok, which connects the city of Mataram to Kuta beach. The whole house and buildings built by the ancient traditional style where their lives if they did not keep up with changing times. Gersangnya vast prairie look impressive in ketandusannya.g) Batu Bolong BeachLocated 9 km from downtown Mataram, this beach has a large stone which has a hole in the middle. A temple stood facing the Lombok Strait and beyond visible boundaries of Mount Agung, Bali. After sunbathing, relaxing and having fun on a beautiful beach, try to wait until the afternoon to watch the stunning sunset you've ever seen when the sun slowly begins to disappear behind Mount Agung with a shimmering colors.h) Taman MayuraMayura park is one of the relics of royal Karang Asem Bali was built by King AA Ngurah in 1744. In the middle of the pond there is a building called the Hall Kambang formerly used as a court as well as a meeting hall. Surprisingly, the architecture shows the influence of Hinduism and Islam, while in the neighborhood, a statue made of stone with shades of pilgrimage.i) Pura MeruKarang Asem relics of another kingdom was located in the Pura Meru Cakranegara, near of Mataram. This temple was built in 1720 under the reign of King AA Made as a symbol of Hindu unity on Lombok. Some buildings are also found in this temple complex, which are all designed for various purposes, including 33 small building located next to the main temple.j) Kuta BeachAlso known as Princess Nyale beach, Kuta is located on the southern coast of central Lombok is one of the beaches in Indonesia which has beautiful scenery and untouched. Distance from Kuta to Tanjung Aan five km, a stretch of white sand in the Indian Ocean. Here, a safe place to sunbathe and swim. Further towards the west is the place for the surfers beach. Every year, on December 19 in the tenth month in the calendar of Sasak, when the fish Nyale sea surface, Kuta Beach becomes crowded with various festivals.The fishermen sailed out to sea while young men and women gathered on the beach to enjoy the party, while teasing each other and may progress to a more serious relationship.k) Gili Air, Gili Meno and Gili TrawanganGili, the Sasak language means "island". The third island is located adjacent to the northwest of the island of Lombok. Around the island is filled with beautiful coral reefs. Gili Air, the closest island, bias is a 10 to 15 minutes by speedboat from the port of Ward, near Pamenang.l) Senggigi BeachSenggigi, in the south ward, has the most beautiful scenery and the most popular on the island of Lombok with a lot of good accommodation facilities. The coral reef grows on the beach.m) of Mount RinjaniGunung Rinjani, a still active volcano mountain as high as 3,726 meters, is one of the highest mountain in Indonesia. At the base of the caldera that formed the crater there is a volcanic crater lake Segara Anak, surrounded by steep cliffs. The mountain is popular with hikers. Sembalun tube and Sembalun Lawang are two traditional Sasak village at the foot of Mount Rinjani.n) Tepas, SumbawaA village at the foot of Mount Batu Lante, 60 kilometers south of Sumbawa Besar, where houses in the village was built in traditional architectural style.o) Mount Tambora, SumbawaTambora volcano with an altitude of 2820 meters is no longer active today. Famous for its devastating eruption in 5 - July 15, 1815 where falling debris, hot gases and lava streams killed more than 12,000 people. More than 44,000 people died of starvation caused by the eruption. On top of this mountain, the magnitude caldera lake that now there are two different colors. Of the circle of the crater, is a scene from the island, the sea, Mount Rinjani, Lombok island in the distance and the beautiful. These mountains occupy almost the entire peninsula Studio.p) Moyo IslandMoyo Island, at the mouth of Saleh Bay, has a nature reserve with wild bison, deer, wild boar and a variety of bird species. To come to this island is better done during the summer between June and August.q) Bima, SumbawaBima imperial palace now used as a museum. Dara village is two kilometers from the town of Bima in eastern Sumbawa, where the kingdom is believed to Bima in the past.r) Sape, SumbawaThe shipbuilders have traditionally made sailboats in the port city on the east coast of Sumbawa. Sape is a place that is closer to the departure of the trip to Komodo Island, where the prehistoric Komodo lizard located.s) The beachesAnother good beach you have encountered bias in Talolai and Hangawera in the north of Bima and Sumbawa Lunyuk on the south coast.t) Hu'u Coast (District Dompu)Beautiful white sand beach located in the Indian Ocean. This beach is famous for its big waves and good length for surfing. The beach is surrounded by the beautiful panorama. If the distance is taken from Dompu about 37 km, can be reached by car, and here there is a simple accommodation for the visitors.u) Ule Beach (Bima)A quiet beach with beautiful white sand located in Bima bay with a beautiful little island called Goat Island. Here there are fish ponds and tree garoso (tropical fruit) along the coast. Local people usually spend their holidays there.v) Wane Beach (Bima)Located 60 km from the town of Bima and can be reached by car. This beach has white sand and great waves, perfect for surfing.2) Tour historyOn the island of Lombok, there are several places to see and visit places of historic relics of Islamic and Hindu kingdoms, such as in East Lombok regency of the kingdom are the former Muslim kingdom's largest island of Lombok is Islam which is now enshrined Selaparang name by one of the airport on the island of Lombok is Selaparang airport. There are also relics of the mosque in North Lombok district at the time of the first spread of Islam in the Mosque of Bayan Lombok Beleq, this place is located in the district of Bayan and can be traveled by private vehicle around 3 hours. In addition there is also Tirta Yatra (which is the kingdom of Karangasem).Photo 11: Mosque of Bayan BeleqPhoto 12: Tirta YatraMayura Water Palace (Evidence that the difference is Beautiful)Mayura Water Palace built by the Anak Agung Made Karang Asem Anglurah in 1744. He was a king who raised Karangasem kingdom in Lombok. Yangbernama Kelepuk first place was a wilderness inhabited by poisonous snakes. When would build a place Mayura, King Bali was asking for help to the King of Makassar which then sends a peacock to scare the snake in it. So that the place name was changed to Mayora, in Sanskrit means peacock. In the tongue of Lombok, turned into Mayura (read Mayure).Mayura has 6 main buildings, Outdoor water, Bale Loji (heirloom storage), Bale Wait, Bale Kambang, Milu Kelepuk Pura, Pura Jagad and Nata. In this complex are beautiful parks and convenient to use to relax. Quite a lot of young people relaxing there.But what's interesting is Kambang Bale building in the middle of the pool water. Kambang around Bale is decorated by statues characterized by the Muslims, the Arab, Muslim Chinese, and Javanese. Muslims statue stands in the West, East and North of the building adjacent to the Bale Kambang Linggih very thick feel Balinya Hindu.Kambang Bale building is the building where guests meet and accept the former kingdom of Bali Amed. Condensed with the characteristics of Hindu, as well as ornaments around. Bale named Kambang, because of its position in the middle of the pool water, as if floating above the water. There are also first jail building next to it. But unfortunately the prison irons are eroded by water and time.According to information in the can, where the statue of the Hindu Muslim in the building was to prove the harmony in Lombok as well to remember that King Bali had been helped by the Muslim kingdom of Makassar. It is also to remember that Islam was brought in by the people of Lombok Makassar, Arabic and Chinese. To that of China is one of the suspected members of the group admiral Ceng Ho, a Muslim commander of China's most famous.Mayura Water Palace is a heritage that has always reminded us to always live together in mutual respect for differences and respect.3) Religious TourismThis spiritual journey is a trip to visit some temples praying that the kingdom of Karangasem Lombok.This trip begins with a visit Mayura Jagatnatha Temple is the palace of King Karangasem Lombok, built in 1744. This palace is famous for serving as Bale Kambangnya pegadilan in his time. After a spiritual journey that will continue to Pura Meru, built in 1720 in the Dutch colonial era. This temple is also used as a fortress during the Second Dutch aggression. At the time of the second Dutch military aggression is one of the Dutch general fall in the hands of the kesatrya bali (Lombok.) General Van Ham died at the hands of the valiant kesatrya bali. Gen. Van Ham is buried dipemakaman common Hindus in Coral Jangkong Mataram.Travel continues to Kalasa Narmada temple is very popular with young Tirtha durable. Narmada is taken from one of the name of the holy river in India which is one of the tributaries of Ganga. Narmada is a miniature of Mount Rinjani and was built in 1805 that by the king at that time used as a summer palace. Kalasa Pura Narmada is closely associated with the temple Mayura (palace) and Mount Rinjani. Because the king in power, always perform the ceremony at home pakelem lake Segara Anak, on purnamaning sasih Kalima (5) to invoke the rain on Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa and on the melingga Bhatari Bhatare there. When the king's advancing age, so he built a miniature Narmada Park Rinjani mountain lake complete with a miniature child immediately.8. Cultural tourism (Topat War, reflecting the tradition of religious harmony in Lombok)Friday afternoon (12/12/08) thousands Sasak (Lombok) and Hindu temples blend in Lingsar, KecamatanLingsar, West Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara to celebrate the "War Topat" the tradition of throwing each other by using a diamond.By using custom clothing and thousands of Hindus Sasak together peacefully to celebrate the religious ceremony which is celebrated every year on every full moon temple to be exact Lingsar-7 according to the Sasak calendar.Topat War tradition held in the largest temple in the kingdom Karangasem Lombok is a reflection of religious harmony in Lombok. The war began with a procession Topat mengelilingkan offerings of food, fruit, and a number of crops as a means of prayers and the procession was dominated society Sasak and several prominent Hindus in Lombok. Means such as garden odek prayers, offerings are placed in the temple Kemalik.

The procession then continued with topat war, coincided with a fall or a hibiscus flower in Sasaknya "rorok hibiscus flower" that is ahead of the sinking of the sun around 17:30. War is a series of implementation topat pujawali ceremony the ceremony as an expression of gratitude of mankind has been given safety, as well as invoke blessings to the Creator. [Photos and text: Ahmad Subaidi / ANTARAMataram.com]9. TrafficLombok Island is located just a few miles from the island of Bali, with only a 20 minute flight you've arrived at the island of Heaven, or other designation of the island of Lombok, consists of three districts and one Municipality (Mataram): the Lombok district with a new mother in the city is Gerung. Mom Central Lombok and East Lombok The town Praya to the mother city is Selong.Selaparang Airport is located in Mataram, the provincial capital and largest city on the island. A wide range of airlines operating from / to Denpasar in Bali (25 minute flight). Sheet Harbour ferry link / port of Padang Bai to Lombok / Bali within 1.5 hours by speed boat or 4-6 hours with normal ferry, also a bias towards Gili directly from Padang Bai. Taxis and minivans also provide transportation to go to all places on the island.The main roads are mostly in very good condition, because of the small roads are often dangerous to drive. Motorcycle and car rentals are also available at tourist centers.10. Administrative divisionLombok including West Nusa Tenggara province and the island itself is divided into four Regional Level II:A. The city of Mataram2. West Lombok district3. Central Lombok district4. East Lombok5. Geography, topography and demographyStrait is the limit ombok flora and fauna of Asia. Starting from Lombok to the east, flora and fauna shows characteristics typical of Australia. The scientist who first stated this is Alfred Russel Wallace, an Englishman in the 19th century. To honor this limit is called the Wallace Line.Topography of the island is dominated by Rinjani volcano the height is 3,726 meters above sea level and make it the third highest in Indonesia. Area south of the island is a free open fields lush and planted with corn, rice, coffee, tobacco and cotton.Approximately 80% of the population of this island is the Sasak tribe, a tribe that is still close to the Bali tribes, but most of the converts to Islam. The rest of the population are Balinese, Javanese, Chinese and Arabic.11. CoverThus a brief explanation of the origin and what concerns people's lives on the island of Lombok. All data in this paper is far from perfect. All due to limitations of data and information on getting. For that we are expecting support from readers all the information as an input and correction. In the hope that the past history of the island of Lombok is becoming increasingly more apparent and can evoke love every young generation of Indonesia, especially the sons and daughters of Lombok.Hopefully we can still preserve the awareness of history and memories of the past. Because then we also have to preserve life and living.

source : http://www.facebook.com/groups/semeton.lombok/doc/271846492885303/

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