Posted by : eXisTenCeSS
Friday, 24 February 2012

ISLAND IN THE TRADITION OF BAU Nyale LOMBOKA tradition in a culture are not integral to the myth or legend that accompanies the tradition. The ancestors inherited this tradition from generation to generation so that it becomes a ritual in a culture. This
is the same as occurs in the island of Lombok that also has become an
annual ritual festival against the backdrop of the legend.Festival is the festival of Bau Nyale routine Lombok Island people. The
festival is held right on the southern coast of the point 16 which
extends as far as Central Lombok tens of kilometers from east to west as
Kaliantan Beach, Kuta Beach or Coast Selong Belanak. But usually Seger Beach in Kuta village, Central Lombok District Pujut is usually the site of this annual festival.Odor Nyale Festival is a festival that is based on a legend. Nyale itself comes from the name of a type of marine worms that normally live on the seabed or rock holes. According to local stories Nyale is the incarnation of Princess Mandalika hair.Mandalika own daughter is a princess on the island of Lombok. Many princes her beauty was dazzling on the island of Lombok, so many who went to his proposal. Confused, the princess decided to throw themselves into the South Coast. After the incident, every year comes the Nyale which is believed to be the incarnation of Princess Mandalika hair.Odor Nyale Festival is essentially a ritual that usually catch sea worms come out at Kuta beach areas in certain months. Worms in green, brown, orange to red is going out at midnight to early morning when the coastal sea began to recede.These worms are captured, will be consumed by people with cooked and eaten together. According to experts, Nyale or worms captured very good for consumption because it is rich in protein.Before
the celebration of the Festival Bau Nyale core begins, usually held
several arts and traditional events such as betandak (unrequited rhyme),
bejambik (giving the gift to a lover) and Belancaran (cruise boat). Not forgetting also the staging was performed drama of the story of Princess Mandalika.Odor Nyale Festival is attracting many people. Not only is the island of Lombok, but also visitors who want to see the uniqueness of this festival. Not only that, visitors can participate directly with the co-capture Nyale at the festival. The festival is also a means of unity among the community and visitors to the island of Lombok. As one of the artistic richness of Indonesian culture, Bau Nyale Festival has become a pride for the island of Lombok.
mantab bgt..????
ReplyDeleteits fantastico..
i like it